Shonda R. Jack

Shonda is an Entrepreneur and Wireless Sales Representative in the Flint and Genesee County area. She has 20 years experience in public service to others. She is also a full-time solo parent and Crim Mindfulness Ambassador. She was introduced to Mindfulness and meditation practice in 2012, and began to notice how meditation and mindfulness practice helped her develop sustained attention and focus. It also deepened her self awareness, cultivated empathy, and helped her lead with compassion and find a work life balance.  Shonda graduated from University of Michigan Flint in 2019; earning a BA  in African American Studies. As a California native, she was eager to deepen her connection with the greater Flint community so she attended Crim workshops to gain a better understanding of a community she is so eager to serve.  In 2019, she was certified through the Crim to teach Yoga Ed. to both youth and adolescents. From there,  an idea to create a space for youth known as Cre8tive Me LLC was born and Self Care H20. In 2020, Shonda was selected to attend a Search Inside Yourself extensive teacher training program and graduated in March 2021 to teach this course in collaboration with the Crim. Shonda is a mentor, a friend and a confidant. She passionate about mental health awareness and sex trafficking within the Genessee County. She lives in Grand Blanc, and partners with Tipton Ministries. Her family attends Trinity Assemblies of God, she loves to travel, surround herself with nature, photography, is learning to play the Djembe Drum and to speak French.  “J’aime la méditation et la pleine conscience( I love meditation and mindfulness).”